Limp Bizkit Lost Album

This isn't a creepypasta, it really happened! I was always a fan of Limp Bizkit, but after the experience I had, I will never listen to any of their songs again. I was on Ebay looking for Limp Bizkit merchandise when I stumbled upon a lost CD that said it was free of charge. It was the only one in the world and no one else has a copy. I was the only bidder, and when they sent me it, the CD was written in black ink saying, "Destroy This". I said fuck this, and I went on putting the CD on my computer. When it showed me the tracks on iTunes, the only track was "You're Next 666.exe". I listened to it. It started with Fred Durst saying "don't look behind you" and then it sounded like he was killing the other members of the band. I looked behind, and nothing happened. Then Fred Durst said "ready for round 2, Bob?" It showed a hyper-realistic picture of the band with hyper-realistic blood coming out of their eyes. I took the CD out of my computer, and then smashed it. But it kept on reappearing. I went to my room to relieve myself, but a poster of Fred Durst I have had hyper-realistic blood coming out of his eyes.